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The Great Egg Hunt Hints and Solutions in Diamond Dynasty

MLB The Show 23

The Great Egg Hunt Hints and Solutions in Diamond Dynasty

SDS brought the goodies with an Easter egg themed scavenger hunt throughout Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 23. With nine hints, players hit all corners of Diamond Dynasty in a combined effort to solve the hints and progress through The Great Egg Hunt Program.

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Just as a quick aside before we get into the hints — this is one of the coolest things SDS has ever done. Not just because it was something new to experience, but because it brought every corner of The Show community together. The fact that we can get some free cards among other rewards for solving these hints and earning the egg vouchers is a massive win for SDS.

As for the program itself, like many others I kept my eye on Twitter and Reddit while testing things myself in Diamond Dynasty. The biggest resource for me has been Scann, one of The Show’s best content creators. The following embedded tweet was a checklist of sorts and helped me prioritize which hints I wanted to tackle first. Some of the hints still seem to have some variability in terms of what seems to be unlocking the egg vouchers, so use these resources to help you along the way and eventually you should be able to complete the program.

We’ll have the full list of hints and their solutions here, but going down through the comments of Scann’s tweet can help give you an idea of how “random” the unlock appears to be for some people.

Progressing In The Program

There may be some confusion for folks about how to actually progress in this program. There’s no mission or stat tracker to let you know what you’re doing or how close you are. You’ll simply see an egg voucher in your postgame rewards screen if you meet the criteria for each respective voucher.

Once you unlock an egg voucher, you’ll need to navigate to “The Great Egg Hunt” in the Other Programs tab within Diamond Dynasty. There, each egg voucher is represented in the “Collections” tab and you’ll simply need to navigate to the voucher you unlocked. The voucher “card” will be highlighted if you earned that voucher and blacked out if you haven’t earned it yet. Assuming you possess the voucher, select the card then press Start/Advance (depending on console) to collect the voucher.

Upon collection, you’ll earn 1,000 Stubs and 10 program stars in the program. You’ll need to unlock all nine vouchers to max out your rewards and finish the program.

The Great Egg Hunt Hints And Solutions

Hidden Egg 1

“There are nine hidden eggs at this very moment.”

This will be the easiest 10 program stars for most players. All you have to do is navigate to the “Moments” tab on the main menu, select “Other Programs” and then enter “The Great Egg Hunt” tab. There are five relatively easy Moments waiting for you and you’ll even earn 1,000 Stubs in the process.

Hidden Egg 2

“What do you call an egg that travels around the world? An egg-splorer!”

The solution for this egg appears to be beating four different teams from different continents in Mini Seasons. It doesn’t appear that you need to play them at their home stadiums, simply beating four different teams from cities on different continents should do the trick.

Hidden Egg 3

“This is your chance to become the Conqueror of Eggs!”

I’m not sure this one is fully understood as of this writing. Some have suggested completing a Conquest map, conquering a stronghold, or doing other specific tasks within Conquest. I earned this voucher while playing the new Atlanta Braves City Connect map after capturing the Mets’ stronghold. They were the third team that I beat in that map and they weren’t even the final team to conquer. I didn’t put up any otherworldly stats either, so it isn’t clear to me what exactly unlocks this. It may simply be conquering a stronghold in Conquest and it may have been bugged originally.

The Mets were my third game in that map and by the end of that game I had scored 10 runs total in the map run. Whether that has anything to do with it — who knows. Just keep playing Conquest and you should get this voucher.

Hidden Egg 4

“The Golden Egg is flawless!”

This one appears to be simply hitting a HR in a Battle Royale game. I’ve seen people say they didn’t need to win in order to get this voucher. So draft a team and get mashing and this voucher should be yours.

Hidden Egg 5

“Why did the egg refuse to fight? It didn’t want to crack under pressure!”

This voucher appears to be earned after playing a Ranked game. I’ve seen folks say they got it after a Ranked Co-op and Solo, so you should be able to do either.

Hidden Egg 6

“When going for a stroll, avoid walking on eggshells!”

For this voucher you simply need to accrue five walks. I earned all mine offline so no online play is required.

Hidden Egg 7

“Is there a way to decorate cards like there is for eggs?”

You’ll need to accrue 1,000 PXP from cards earned within The Great Egg Hunt Program to earn this voucher. To maximize your time, I recommend getting some of the easier vouchers out of the way to at least get a couple of the cards. Catfish Hunter is a starting pitcher and is the first card you earn. If you do the program Moments and get those first 10 program stars, you can theoretically use Hunter in all your games to eventually hit the mark. It’s much easier earning PXP with pitchers than it is with hitters. I’m going to use him in a Legend difficulty Play vs. CPU game when I work on the next hidden egg to earn PXP faster.

Hidden Egg 8

“What came first? The bird or the egg?”

Defeat the St. Louis Cardinals, Baltimore Orioles, or the Toronto Blue Jays in a Play vs CPU game to earn this voucher. Difficulty doesn’t seem to matter here but I can’t confirm. I never play below All-Star so playing on at least All-Star should definitely get you the voucher.

Hidden Egg 9

“Egg hunts are quite eventful!”

This is another one that doesn’t seem to have a concrete solution as of this writing. It’s not necessarily earned by winning an Event game apparently as players have reported earning this over multiple games no matter the result. This could potentially be an “accrue a specific stat in Event games” mission or even earning PXP in Event games. Nonetheless, get some Event games in and you should earn this voucher eventually.

Program Rewards

What do you get once you collect all the vouchers? You’ll get five different Set 1 cards including Signature Series Catfish Hunter, 2nd Half Heroes Alex Bregman, 2021 All-Star Game Gregory Soto, Charisma Series George Springer, and Charisma Series Reggie Jackson. That alone is a sweet haul, considering these cards are non-sellable and very usable cards for this point in the game cycle. They’ll also help you progress in the massive Set 1 Collection set towards Babe Ruth, Pedro Martinez, and Chipper Jones.

Additionally, you’ll get two Easter/egg themed profile icons, five standard Show packs, three Ballin’ Is A Habit packs, and a total of 7,500 XP within the program.

Completing this program won’t take a ton of time and will certainly be worth it. It’s a fun way to dip your toe into various areas of Diamond Dynasty, and it’s a program that will be available all year if you don’t feel like grinding it exclusively. You’ll earn progress over time just from playing Diamond Dynasty.

I’d also like to give another thumbs up to Scann for compiling the checklist tweet, as well as everyone in the DD community that came together to lockdown how to solve all the hints.

That’s how to complete The Great Egg Hunt! Have you completed the program already? How do you feel about this style of program and would you like to see more?

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