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Super Mega Baseball 3 Hits Game Pass: Play It Now

Super Mega Baseball 3 Game Pass

Super Mega Baseball 3

Super Mega Baseball 3 Hits Game Pass: Play It Now

It has been almost two years since the release of Metalhead’s Super Mega Baseball 3, the third rendition of the wildly popular baseball game. Since the release back in 2020, a lot of surprising changes have taken place over at Metalhead, with the merger and acquisition by EA being the most notable. That said, we know plenty of people have somehow still never played Super Mega Baseball 3, but now it’s on Game Pass (and EA Play) so you should try it out.

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Super Mega Baseball 3 Hits Game Pass

super mega baseball 3 game pass

I have been following this series since its inception and have watched it grow into the refined franchise it is today. That said, if you haven’t played this series before and want to know why you should be excited, then this article is for you. To begin with, this game was developed by a small group of guys who grew up playing retro titles that many of us loved growing up. Titles like Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball, Tecmo Baseball, R.B.I. Baseball, Sports Talk Baseball, and many more.

The most important aspect to understand here is that this group set out to create a series that incorporated the best ideas of each game they played growing up, and I think they have done just that.

Why I Love This Series

There are so many reasons I love this series and hold it in such high regard. To begin with, the overall fun and joy can be felt in every aspect of the title. Whether it is batting, pitching, fielding, or running, this game just has the “it” factor. Metalhead did an exceptional job of delivering a baseball game that perfectly rides the line between simulation and arcade, and does so while providing an authentic baseball experience.

Sure, the graphics are cartoonish, the player models are exaggerated, and the goofball antics witnessed throughout the game are sophomoric, but underneath the proverbial hood is a stellar game of baseball. Even better, the game’s difficulty mechanics (ego system) allow you to refine and dial in the AI and game mechanics in a way that gives you the chance to grow in a way that keeps the challenge realistic and competitive.

Beyond The Diamond

Super Mega Baseball 3

As much as I love the game between the chalk lines in SMB 3, the options away from the park are just as fun and just as exciting. For those who are not aware, Super Mega Baseball 3 does not hold the rights to the MLB or any other licensed league for that matter. While the licensed teams aren’t available, the in-game editor provides an amazing suite of options to create almost any type and style of league you choose to create.

Not only can you rename the teams themselves, you can also edit the rosters (both names and abilities), and edit the entire home and away uniform set.

Super Mega Baseball 3

Sadly, as awesome as the creation suite is, it does not contain a stadium editor. So, while you can create any league you want, you will still have to utilize the stadiums that were created by the development group. I have talked to the developers about providing the ability to create and edit stadiums in the game, and while it was not possible for Super Mega Baseball 3, they did not rule it out for future titles.

A League Of Their Own

While Super Mega Baseball 3 provides an outstanding single-player experience, those who are interested in playing online should have no worries as Metalhead has consistently updated the title with support. Online play is here, and online leagues are also an option.

The league play contains the same wonderful gameplay and stat tracking, and the ability to invite friends who have the game on other systems is possible due to the enabling of cross-platform play. Each league can be tailored to your liking as well, and the developers let you set it up based on the skill level of each member (if you want).

In my experience with Super Mega Baseball, the servers have been consistently solid, and it is one of the rare baseball titles that delivers a nearly identical experience both online and offline.

Bottom Line

It may seem weird promoting a title that has been in existence for almost two years, but Super Mega Baseball 3 is a timeless classic that allows you to create a season or franchise that represents the present or past. The fact that some may have passed on it simply because of the goofy presentation or player models is understandable on some level. However, if you have Game Pass or EA Play, this is your chance to see what all the hype is about.

The fact that Super Mega Baseball 3 is available for “free” on either service simply means that this is your chance to experience what many consider the best baseball experience available to this day in terms of both fun and depth. Rarely do we get an opportunity in the world of video games to experience an all-reward, no-risk scenario, but that is exactly what we have here with Super Mega Baseball 3.

So, just play it already.

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