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NHL 23 Celebrations and What They Say About You

NHL 23 celebrations

NHL 23

NHL 23 Celebrations and What They Say About You

As is the case with the online realms of most sports games these days, NHL 23‘s World of Chel gives you plenty of opportunities to customize your created player in a variety of ways. From the attire and equipment you don when you step on the ice to your pregame introduction, the way that you present yourself to the masses can say a lot about who you are. Even the name you choose for your player can speak volumes, especially if it skirts the lines of good taste or is flat-out offensive. There might be no area that reveals your truest self like the NHL 23 celebrations and the one you break out when you succeed in putting the puck in the back of the net. As you ascend levels and unlock more goal celebrations through hockey bag rewards, you’re able to sift through an assortment of options that can convey unspoken messages to the World of Chel at large.

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NHL 23 Celebrations

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Halloween may have just happened, but let’s go ahead and play armchair psychiatrist for a moment to dissect what kind of message a handful of the game’s celebrations can send when they’re unleashed following a score. While the methods employed here may not be rooted entirely in science, it’s sometimes the determinations based on gut instincts that can be the most accurate, and we’ll assume that’s the case here. For good measure, I’ve also thrown in a second opinion (yes, I know that should usually come from someone else but whatever) and another celebration option that also fits the bill.

No Celly

By not celebrating a goal at all that you’ve scored and remaining stoic, your actions can be interpreted in a few different ways. One possibility is that you’re modest and prefer not to make a big scene on the heels of any personal achievement within a team sport. Another reason that your been-there-done-that attitude is on display could be that this kind of thing is nothing new and is just a drop in the ocean when considering all of the goals you have scored already and those you will unquestionably score in the future.

Second Opinion: Perhaps the reality is that you’re just plain boring though, or else so aloof that you somehow failed to push the celly button in time.

You Might Also Like: Any of the celebrations that start with “Humble.”

The Matthews

You’re probably a Maple Leafs fan and, as such, you’ve suffered through your fair share of trauma. Like most Leafs fans (and count me as one), you’re loud, boisterous, and the fact that you’re so eager to proclaim your fandom in spite of the team’s countless playoff collapses in recent years means you clearly have little to no shame. The constant heartbreak has left you resilient to the hardships life can throw your way, and yet you remain naive on some level given how you somehow begin to believe again in the doomed team every year.

Second Opinion: You’re a Hulk Hogan fan and this is the best you can do.

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I Don’t Know

This celebration is almost apologetic in nature, expressing surprise or uncertainty at how you even managed to make that goal happen. You’re trying not to hurt the other team’s feelings too much or get any more demonstrative than this shrug, which is a solid clue that you’re a people pleaser.

Second Opinion: You’re indecisive or not all that intelligent and this is potentially your default reaction to any question that you’re asked.

You Might Also Like: The Default celebration because it shows a similar sense of apathy.

Belly Rub

You’re no doubt a gourmand and this goal celebration is how you can convey your love of food to the World of Chel. It’s possible you even put your refined palate to use in the real world as a cook in a bar kitchen or chef at a restaurant. Like many others, maybe you just recently watched the tense first season of The Bear and this is a nod of appreciation towards it.

Second Opinion: You’re just hungry.

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The Dab

You’re apparently out of touch and aren’t aware that dabbing hasn’t been cool since Cam Newton was doing it all the time in his first run as a Carolina Panther. You must not stay up to date on the news or current trends and live a fairly isolated life.

Second Opinion: You are Cam Newton.

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NHL 94 Celebration

There’s no way to sugarcoat this: you are probably over 40.

Second Opinion: You’re young and love all things retro.

You Might Also Like: The Worm. That’s also old.


You’re a true rock and roller and want to put your love for the genre out there in the form of a glorious burst of air guitar. What makes this one rock even harder than the similar Guitar Solo celebration is that it also involves dramatically sliding down on both knees for the full air guitar effect and then doing windmill circles with your legs while on the ice. Rock on!

Second Opinion: You’re actually more into the bass than the guitar, and you imagine yourself slapping that bass during this celebration.

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You desperately crave attention and will do anything to make sure that all eyes in the arena are on you. Just think about it: you’ve already scored a goal and have therefore earned the spotlight and yet you still insist on breaking out a headstand. Only someone seeking the validation of a crowd would literally stand on their head as an exclamation mark to a goal.

Second Opinion: You’re a gymnast.

You Might Also Like: Any of the many celebrations that involve pushups.

What’s My Name

By pointing to the back of your jersey, you’re essentially demanding that you get all of the credit for whatever goals you score. While your teammates likely seethe at your selfish actions, there you are asking everyone to take note of your name.

Second Opinion: You’re one of those idiots with some kind of racist or homophobic name and are trying to call attention to it.

See Also: Autograph


You’re the kind of person who revels in playing the heel by riling up a crowd by telling them all to shut their mouths. Every team needs an instigator to get under the skin of their opponent and that’s the role that you were born to fill with these kinds of in-your-face antics. Just make sure you’re also skilled with your fists because you’re bound to find plenty of people who are more than willing to drop their gloves and square off against you.

Second Opinion: You’re sensitive to loud noises and legitimately would like the crowd to simmer down.

See Also: Salty

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