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NBA 2K24 Remains King of the Little Things

NBA 2K24

NBA 2K24 Remains King of the Little Things

While we made it clear yesterday that the microtransactions in NBA 2K24 remain as gross as ever, NBA 2K24 is still pound for pound the coolest sports game today. The love for the NBA shines through every year in various forms, and the community here on OS loves to highlight the “little things” in every sports game. It goes without question that NBA 2K leads the league in the sheer amount of cool “little things” in its game.

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It’s still early in the season and there will be plenty more posts made by OS members before long, but I wanted to highlight just a couple dope things people have showcased already.

Roundball Rock Me

The NBA on NBC is, well, iconic. I mean, come on, these intros were my childhood:

John Tesh is responsible for the classic Roundball Rock track, and it’s now in NBA 2K24 and plays in the menus (if you turn it on for 2K Beats) and also plays around quarter/halftime breaks of Eras-appropriate games in the ’90s.

Admittedly, this could be so much cooler and more in-depth — and if we had it during intros with more 2K flourishes like we get for regular games, then it would be even sweeter. However, I’m not sure how close 2K can get to replicating the NBA on NBC vibes without having to, you know, pay NBC. Regardless, having that track in the game is a huge W.

Photo Mode Filters

This has blown up on our forums, Reddit, etc. and it’s a really nice addition. Beyond having a photo mode within the replay system itself where 2K grabs still from replays that it tags as the best looking action shots on a play, you can go into replays and mess with filters and all that good stuff. It’s something that’s in lots of games but has not made its way into very many sports games yet. And, again, 2K adds some really nice bells and whistles like tagging action shots for you ahead of time.

I also get NBA Live vibes from some of the filters. Like, you can’t tell me the shot of Mitchell above couldn’t be from NBA Live if it was still being made today and going with that same lighting style it had years ago.

From The Community

Just to show off a couple more things until you scope out the thread yourself, we have OS user jd@os showing off Phil Jackson with his earplugs in while at ARCO Arena for a Kings game.

The Eras Mode itself is obviously a goldmine, and OS user JAY_D1 shows off the 1983-84 All-Star game uniforms and being able to play in them during the actual ASG weekend.

We have WNBA players showing up at games at times. This one also comes from jd@os showing off WNBA players popping up (only sometimes) at Arena (Lakers).

Some other miscellaneous notes from OSers:

  • The Playoffs logo in the LeBron Era has been updated in the ads
  • We got the Red Panda halftime entertainment sometimes
  • Signature jumpers overall have gone through a lot of great upgrades
  • We got more in-arena blimp cams
  • Freestyle mode now has assistant coaches passing you the ball rather than players
  • Eras Mode is way better about having era-appropriate shoes on players
  • Classic PA announcers are in for various teams (Olivier Sedra for Cavs games, Ray Clay for Bulls games, etc.)

Lastly, don’t click through stuff when doing the Kobe Bryant challenges. I won’t spoil stuff for you, but there’s so many little touches that can be appreciated.

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