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NBA 2K20 MyTeam: Content and Locker Codes

NBA 2K20

NBA 2K20 MyTeam: Content and Locker Codes

It’s been about a week since I last updated things in terms of posting locker codes and new cards, so let’s go through some new stuff in NBA 2K20 MyTeam.

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Throwback Moments

Throwback Moments tend to be rather popular as it’s a good catch-all if you’ve been missing out on a certain player who can compete in the current meta. Gordon Hayward is a favorite among some 2K folks, so this is a prime example of getting some galaxy opal cards via a “loophole” of sorts. Galaxy opal Steve Nash, galaxy opal Gordon Hayward, galaxy opal Robert Parish, pink diamond Jeff Teague and diamond Luc Longley are in the first wave of packs here.

As a Sixers fan, this one pains me greatly, but go and maybe get yourself a Terry Rozier card from a high point I imagine he may never reach again. Yes, I’m still salty.

Expiring Soon

More important things took center stage and continue to do so, but if you missed out on some codes from last week, 2K is here to remind you to lock them in before time’s up.

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