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NBA 2K18 Hands-On Impressions - Gameplay, Graphics & Animation (Forbes)

NBA 2K18

NBA 2K18 Hands-On Impressions - Gameplay, Graphics & Animation (Forbes)

Brian Mazique, over at Forbes, has posted his NBA 2K18 hands-on impressions, from his recent trip to 2K Sports headquarters. The article has quite a few details on dribbling, defending, passing, A.I., animations and much more. Make sure to give it a read and post your thoughts.

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The ACE system that controls the A.I. of CPU-controlled defenders has taken a huge leap. You’ll notice defenders taking away passing lanes more aggressively. They may entry passes into the post a little more difficult and cutters cannot flash the lane without some recognition.

That said, the A.I. also pays attention to the defender’s awareness rating and whether they’re looking at the ball. If a defender’s head is turned, he will not react on a play until he is looking at the action.

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