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NBA 2K17 Basic and Advanced Controls

NBA 2K17

NBA 2K17 Basic and Advanced Controls

These are Xbox One controls.

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Basic Offense

  • Left Stick – Move Player
  • Right Stick – Pro Stick: Dribble Moves / Shooting / Passing
  • LT – Post Up
  • RT – Sprint
  • LB – Call Play (tap) / Pick Control (hold)
  • RB – Icon Pass
  • A – Pass / Touch Pass
  • B – Bounce Pass (tap) / Flash Pass (double tap)
  • X – Shoot (tap for Pump Fake / Hop)
  • Y – Overhead Skip Pass (tap) / Alley-op (double tap)
  • Up on D-Pad – Gameplay HUD
  • Right on D-Pad – Point of Emphasis
  • Left on D-Pad – Offensive Strategies
  • Down on D-Pad – Substitutions
  • View – Timeout
  • Menu – Pause


  • Jump Shot: Move and hold Right Stick straight down (straight up for bankshot)
  • Hop Gather: Press X while driving (Left Stick determines direction of hop)
  • Spin Gather: RT and Double Tap X while standing or driving
  • Runner / Floater: Move and hold Right Stick away from hoop (while driving close)
  • Normal Layup: Move and hold Right Stick toward hoop while driving (Right Stick determines finish hand)
  • Reverse Layup: Move and hold Right Stick toward baseline (while driving baseline)
  • Euro Step Layup – Double tap X while driving
  • 2-Hand Dunk: RT + Move and hold Right Stick toward hoop (while driving)
  • Flashy Dunk: RT + Move and hold Right Stick away from hoop (while driving)
  • Dominant / Off-Hand Dunk: RT + Move and hold Right Stick left or right to dunk with that hand (while driving)
  • Mid-Air Change Shot: Start dunk / layup, move Right Stick in any direction while in the air
  • Pump Fake: Start a jump shot, then quickly release Right Stick
  • Step Through: Pump fake, then press and hold Right Stick again before pump fake ends
  • Putback Dunk / Layup: Move and hold Right Stick in any direction during an offensive rebound


  • Rhythm Dribble: Move Right Stick toward hoop then quickly release
  • In and Out: RT + Move Right Stick toward hoop then quickly release
  • Hesitation (Quick): Move Right Stick toward ball hand then quickly release
  • Hesitation (Escape): RT + Move Right Stick toward ball hand then quickly release
  • Crossover: Move Right Stick toward off hand, then quickly release
  • Crossover (Escape): RT + Move Right Stick toward off hand, then quickly release
  • Between Legs Cross: Move Right Stick between off hand and player’s back then quickly release
  • Behind Back: Move Right Stick away from hoop, then quickly release
  • Stepback: RT + Move Right Stick away from hoop, then quickly release
  • Spin: Rotate Right Stick from ball hand around player’s back, then quickly return to neutral
  • Half Spin: Rotate Right Stick in a quarter-circle from ball hand to hoop, then quickly return to neutral
  • Triple Threat Jab: Move Right Stick left or right then quickly release (while in triple threat)
  • Triple Threat Combo Move: Move Right Stick toward the hoop then quickly release (while in triple threat)
  • Triple Threat Stepback: RT + Move Right Stick away from hoop, then quickly release (while in triple threat)
  • Triple Threat Spinout: Rotate Right Stick then quickly return to neutral (while in triple threat)


  • Pass: A (Left Stick selects recipient)
  • Bounce Pass: B (Left Stick selects recipient)
  • Overhead Skip Pass: Y (Left Stick select recipient)
  • Lead to Basket Pass: Press and hold Y (Left Stick select recipient) then release to pass
  • Flashy Pass: Double tap B (Left Stick select recipient)
  • Dribble Pitch / Handoff: Press and hold B (Left Stick select recipient) then release to pass
  • Icon Pass: Press RB then press action button of desired receiver
  • Fake Pass: Y + B (while standing or driving)
  • Jump Pass: X + A (while standing or driving)
  • Alley Oop: Double tap Y (Left Stick selects recipient, toward basket for oop-to-self)
  • Rolling Inbound: Y during baseline inbounds
  • Give and Go: Press and hold A to retain control of passer, release A to receive the ball back
  • Pro Stick Pass: RB + Right Stick

Basic Defense


  • Left Stick – Move Player
  • Right Stick – Steal / Hands Up / Contest
  • LT – Intense D
  • RT – Sprint
  • LB – Defensive Strategies (tap) / Double Team (hold)
  • RB – Icon Swap
  • A – Player Swap (closest to ball)
  • B – Take Charge
  • X – Steal
  • Y – Block / Rebound
  • Up on D-Pad – Gameplay HUD
  • Right on D-Pad – Points of Emphasis
  • Left on D-Pad – Defensive Sets
  • Down on D-Pad – Substitutions
  • View – Intentional Foul
  • Menu – Pause

On-Ball Defense:

  • Intense-D: Press and hold LT when in front of dribbler
  • Crowd Dribbler: Press and hold LT when near the dribbler
  • Fast Shuffle: Press and hold LT + RT, move Left Stick in any direction
  • Hands Up Defense: Move and hold Right Stick in any direction
  • Shot Contest: Move and hold Right Stick in any direction when near shooter (during shot)
  • Vertical Contest: Move and hold Left Stick away from the shooter and press Y
  • Swat Block: Hold RT and press Y
  • Take Charge: Press and hold B
  • Flop: While in take charge, release B, press B
  • Intentional Foul: Repeatedly press or press and hold X near ballhandler (press View for Team Intentional Foul)
  • Double Team: Press and hold LB
  • Icon Double Team: Press LB, press and hold the action button of desired double teamer

Off-Ball Defense:

  • Bump: Hold LT while impeding the path of the offensive player
  • Chuck: (while standing) LT + Right Stick flick towards offensive player
  • Grab: (while defender is running) Left Stick + Right Stick flick towards offensive player
  • Post Up / Ball Denial: Hold LT when near opponent (based on distance to basket)
  • Deny Hands Out: Right Stick in any direction
  • Ball Pressure: Right Stick press towards ball handler
  • Push: LT + Left Stick into defender (when posted off-ball)
  • Deny / Front Post: LT + Right Stick left / right (when posted off-ball)
  • Pull Chair in Post: Flick Right Stick in same direction as offensive player (when posted off-ball)

Advance Controls

Post Moves:

  • Enter / Leave Post: Press and hold LT to post up, release LT to faceup
  • Quick Spin: Rotate Right Stick to outside shoulder
  • Hook Drive: Rotate Right Stick to inside shoulder
  • Fakes: Move Right Stick left or right then quickly release
  • Pick Up Dribble: Move Right Stick toward the hoop then quickly release
  • Switch Dribble Hand: Move Right Stick away from hoop then quickly release

Post Shots (Shotstick):

  • Post Hook: Right Stick left or right toward hoop (close range)
  • Post Fade: Right Stick left or right away from hoop (beyond close range)
  • Post Layup: Move and hold Right Stick left or right toward hoop (close range) while Left Stick is toward hoop
  • Shimmy Shot: RT + Right Stick away from hoop with Left Stick neutral
  • Shimmy Hook: RT + Right Stick toward hoop with Left Stick neutral
  • Post Hop: Left Stick left or right away from hoop, then tap X
  • Post Stepback: Left Stick away from hoop, then tap X
  • Dropstep: Left Stick left or right toward hoop, then tap X
  • Pump Fake: Start a shot listed above, then move Right Stick to neutral
  • Up and Under / Step Through: Pump fake, then Right Stick again before pump fake ends

Off-Ball Offense:

  • Call for ball – A
  • Call for Alley-Oop: Double tap Y (while cutting toward hoop)
  • Set Screen: B
  • Call for Screen: Y
  • Post Up: Hold LT (while standing or moving into defender)
  • Push: (while posted up) Left Stick
  • Spin: (while posted up) Right Stick twirl clockwise or counterclockwise
  • Walkdown: Left Stick + Right Stick towards defender

Advanced Offense:

  • Quick Playcall: Press LB, then use Right Stick to select a play from the menu
  • Positional Playcall: Press LB, then press teammate’s action button: choose play from menu
  • Basic Pick Control: Press and hold LB
  • Advanced Pick Control: Press and hold LB. Use RB to choose Roll vs. Fade and RT to choose pick side.
  • Icon Pick Control: Press LB, then press and hold the action button of desired screener
  • Slip Screen and Early Fade: Call for pick, then press LB again at any time before the screener gets hit to have him slip or fade early

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