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Talking With One NBA 2K League Hopeful About Their Approach


Talking With One NBA 2K League Hopeful About Their Approach

As January inches towards its close, players are feverishly trying to reach that elusive 50-win plateau or, with that mark already having been attained, preparing themselves for tryouts in February.

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Several teams, however, are already engaging in on-site interaction, as the Mavs, Cavs and Jazz have all hosted some events. Attendance at these events in no ways guarantees that such a player will have a better chance at being selected, but for some the potential exposure is too tempting to pass up.

One such player, Colt (@worthingcolt), was one half of the victorious duo — Huh Nation — that prevailed in the Mavs Gaming 2-on-2 showcase tournament. We e-sat down with him to learn a little bit about his experience at the tournament, and as an NBA 2K League hopeful in general.

OS: Tell us a little about the tournament and your mindset going in.

Colt: My motivation for going was looking at these past events and seeing how much the community stuck together, and built relationships with others players and managers. I figured that it would be better to to let people see who I am and what I’m like in person rather than through a video game. Mario and I connected ahead of time to make sure we were on the same page once the tournament started.

OS: What sort of connections did you make there?

Colt: I didn’t have any prior connections going in, but I met Roger (the Mavs Gaming manager) and Jonah (the Mavs Gaming head coach), who are both great guys! I also had small talk with an NBA 2K League producer about the league, and I’m excited for it!

OS: What’s been your overall process for preparing for February tryouts?

Colt: The process I’ll have for February is the same it’s always been: keep playing the game. Do what I’ve always been doing and everything will fall into place. I’ve been playing 2K competitively at a high level for free just for the love for the game. I fell short the past two years in both [the 2K-sponsored] Road to the All Star Game and Road to the Finals tournaments. But with the announcement of this 2K league, it’s the perfect way to show my family why I’m “on the game so much.”

OS: What are you most looking forward to about the league?

Colt: I look forward to the interviews, sponsorships, attention this league will bring. It’s something new and it gives you that celebrity feel.

OS: What’s the first thing you’ll do if you get drafted, and then what would your long-term goals be?

Colt: First thing I’m doing is calling my mom and grandma saying, “I did it!” I plan on interacting with the local community and building a relationship with the people, maybe through some charity work or rec centers.

OS: Thanks very much, and good luck!

Colt: Thanks!

Colt is one of a large number of highly qualified players competing for one of the elusive 102 roster spots soon to be available. He has won this tournament, but others will join him as victors of other showcases.

But until February, the most important thing is to ensure your 50 wins and submit the online application, which the league promises to release soon.

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