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MLB The Show 21 - Headliners Set 19 Postseason Bob Gibson

Headliners Set 18 Postseason Bob Gibson

MLB The Show 21

MLB The Show 21 - Headliners Set 19 Postseason Bob Gibson

Headliners Set 18 Postseason Bob Gibson has replaced Prime Cliff Floyd in Headliners packs today. Postseason Bob Gibson is a 95 overall.

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Gibson is one of the more divisive pitchers going through the past years of The Show. His tip-top versions have sometimes been enjoyed, but overall, he is mostly thought of as someone who gets hits around. However, I would say that’s started to change a bit this year — starting with the 42 Series version. Perhaps it’s due to pinpoint pitching, but it feels like Gibson can actually grind out some good outings this year. I would expect this to be even more true with this Postseason version.

He brings a plus-plus 4-seam fastball to things, and ties that together with a great slider and sinker. I think you should stay away from the curveball and changeup, so sort of like Guidry he’s more of a two-pitch pitcher, but those two pitches can be very good.

Headliners Set 18 Postseason Bob Gibson

Here are his ratings:

Headliners Set 18 Postseason Bob Gibson

Here are his quirks:

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The odds on the Headliners packs remain the same as always, so good luck if you try getting him in packs as you’ll have a 1:10 chance at a diamond, albeit that diamond might not be Postseason Bob Gibson.

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