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MLB The Show 20 Diamond Dynasty: All-Star Dale Murphy in Headliners Set 8

headliners dale murphy

MLB The Show 20

MLB The Show 20 Diamond Dynasty: All-Star Dale Murphy in Headliners Set 8

Headliners Set 8 All-Star Dale Murphy replaces Breakout Vida Blue in Headliners packs today. All-Star Dale Murphy is a 91 overall, and longtime veterans of Diamond Dynasty know all about Dale Murphy at this point. He’s got a cannon for an arm and a goofy stance that dares people to throw him inside heat.

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headliners dale murphy

This version has the reverse platoon splits so he mashes righties but does not get catcher eligibility. As a center fielder with great fielding, his platoon disparity is maybe worth dealing with if you’re running into Oswalt or Kluber every two or three games, but otherwise this is a little bit of a weak diamond.

Here is a look at his quirks:

diamond dynasty headliners dale murphy

And a look at his current price on the community market:

diamond dale murphy

The odds on the Headliners packs remain the same as always, so good luck if you try getting him in packs as you’ll have a 1:10 chance at a diamond, albeit that diamond might not be Murphy.

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