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Madden 24 MUT - How to Step Into the Haunted House

Madden 24 MUT Haunted House

Madden NFL 24

Madden 24 MUT - How to Step Into the Haunted House

Madden NFL 24 launched its Most Feared promo in MUT on Thursday. As it’s one of the biggest MUT promos of the year to this point, there’s a lot of extra goodies involved and some elements are not explained very well. One of those elements is the Haunted House and how you “step” into it as it’s listed as one of the Objectives for the Most Feared Pass. The process is straight forward but you just need to know the steps.

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How To Step Into The Haunted House In MUT

You need a Haunted House Key to enter the Haunted House, which makes sense I suppose. To get one of those keys:

  1. Go to the Trick-or-Treat panel between Challenges and Solo Battles.
  2. Click the Trick-Or-Treat: The Neighborhood panel and start a game.
  3. You have to win 8 Solos games in a row in The Neighborhood. These games all start in the second half and have 3-minute quarters.
  4. You’ll have a choice after winning 8 games to select a Haunted House key. Take this key if you want to get into the Haunted House. (Also take note that the keys are one use only, so each time you want to enter the Haunted House you’ll have to win the 8 games in The Neighborhood first.)
  5. Click the Treat-Or-Treat: The Haunted House panel now and select the key from your inventory to start a new block of Solos. There are five wins you can get here and getting the five wins will earn you the max amount of Treats possible for the run.

In general, Treats are the alternate MUT currency you will be earning throughout this promo. Veterans should understand how the alternate currency works as it’s been in the game for years during promos, but newcomers just need to know that there is another panel in the Store that will be the spot you spend your Treats for Most Feared packs/players.

Also take note, when you “Step into the Haunted House” for the first time, you will automatically earn 1,000 Most Feared XP for the program.

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