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Legend Bowl Update Adds New Rosters to Try and Some Gameplay Fixes

legend bowl rosters

Legend Bowl

Legend Bowl Update Adds New Rosters to Try and Some Gameplay Fixes

Another Legend Bowl update has arrived to address some lingering gameplay issues from the last patch. Some new rosters are also available to try out, each of which creates a different feel for the game.

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The Legend Bowl community has created plenty of rosters, but these were hand crafted by King Javo himself, check out some of the details below.

  • The Originals – The Original Pre-alpha rosters revisited. Updated to be compatible with new alt-uniforms and numbers. Generally weaker, slower, and easier overall.
  • Ultimate Chaos – Chaotic and upside-down. Purposefully broken and challenging.
  • Pass Rush – A generally faster, and more difficult roster.
  • 32 Power – A hardcore rebalance of all 32 teams designed for Tournament or Exhibition mode with no “bad teams”
  • Old Skool Kool – Hard hitting old school football with an emphasis on heavy running and smash mouth defense.

Latest Patch Notes

  • Fixed AI player facing direction issues during gameplay.
  • Added 5 default rosters to the game to give players instant access to various rosters (see below) instantly.
  • New rosters can be restored, if deleted, using the RESTORE menu inside ROSTER DATA menu.
  • Tuned SIM engine to give better sack stats to top defensive players.
  • Tuned fantasy points which feed into “Defensive Player of the Year” to award more credit for sacks.
  • Fixed issue with SIM engine where less skilled tacklers were getting most of the tackles on a team.
  • Reduced tipped catch success rate because we were seeing too many tipped catches as of recent.
  • AI timeout issue fixed where offensive team calls timeout when tied and late in the game and about to punt on 4th down.
  • Fumble chance reduced for AI players that get GASSED.
  • Defender shoulder tackles now result in higher ball carrier fumble and/or injury chances.
  • Kick return blockers not blocking a defender or huddling up in one spot issue fixed.
  • Defensive ends running around the outside of rushers issue fixed.
  • Updated patch notes link in game.

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