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How to Score Free Kicks in FIFA 23: Guide

fifa 23 free kicks guide


How to Score Free Kicks in FIFA 23: Guide

Free kick your way to victory

FIFA 23 is the latest installment of the popular FIFA series. Set pieces can be tricky year to year in FIFA and scoring on them is not easy. It takes practice, skill, and timing.

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Guide For How To Score Free Kicks In FIFA 23

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The Basics Of FIFA 23 Free Kicks

In FIFA 23, you’ll find a circle at the screen’s bottom part and a line starting from the ball when you prepare for a free kick. The circle serves as your free kick’s height and the curve where you aim the ball is there to project the path. The line itself determines the direction of the shot.

The power gauge remains about the same. Nonetheless, you must be aware that the power level must align with the shot you want. There are spin types that need more power compared to others. Additionally, you’ll need more power if you’re far from the goal. Be careful, though, kicking the ball too hard can send it to the nosebleeds.

How To Do Free Kicks In FIFA 23

FIFA 23 Juventus

So, how do you score free kicks in FIFA 23? One thing you can do is to concentrate on the curled shot done with the inside foot, which is the default for free kicks. With this, the player kicks using the inside of the dominant foot and makes the ball loop over the wall into the goalkeeper’s far side. To use this kick, you should elevate the line a bit higher than usual and aim at the goalkeeper’s far side, which usually lines up with the ear of the last player on the wall.

Afterward, make sure the power is between 2.5 and 3.5 bars to let the ball soar to the net’s top corner. Additionally, you can press the shoot button a second time just before the character hits the ball for a more consistent finish.

Another technique to try is kicking the ball outside the foot in free-kick form. With this, you adjust the curl slider to the inside foot’s opposite side. This shot is a bit more challenging to determine compared to the inside foot shot but is highly effective. To do this, adjust the curl slider to the inside foot’s opposite side.

Bottom Line

Mastering free kicks and other skills in FIFA 23 is the key to success in the game, giving you an edge over your competition. While free kicks are still too rare when compared to the real sport, when you do get one they are much more dynamic this year so embrace that and be okay with trying and failing.

About the author

Marijim Dy Timkang has nearly 10 years of experience in content writing. She enjoys reading up on the latest sports news and trends, while also researching different tactics in order to help her create informative content. When she isn't writing about games or cheering for her team, Marijim enjoys playing board and video games with friends and family.

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