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Fumble Dimension Featuring TGC 2019: The Bloated Corpse of Golf Courses

The Golf Club 2019

Fumble Dimension Featuring TGC 2019: The Bloated Corpse of Golf Courses

Look, there’s a rule here, and I always repeat it: protect Jon Bois — and now Kofie Yeboah — at all costs. They are doing a service to humanity by pushing sports games beyond their limit. This time around, they have used The Golf Course 2019 for their latest social experiment, and it’s one of their best efforts yet. Within TGC 2019, they create a course that is more or less the “bloated corpse” of all golf courses. It has no rhyme or reason to it, and it should not exist in this universe.

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In fact, it’s such an abomination that it took Yeboah four courses to make 18 holes. Due to reaching an object limit by hole 6, Yeboah actually had to make three additional courses just to make it to 18 holes. Yes, there is that much clutter on each hole.

But you know what, it’s all worth it in the end because Jon Bois kills a horse in the video. There’s also ships and buildings in the middle of fairways, and it’s impossible to even attempt to try and birdie any hole. The course is a mess and it’s perfectly on brand for the Fumble Dimension. Do yourself a favor and bask in its glory when you have some time.

Oh, and if you want to try out some playable courses in The Golf Club 2019 at some point, here are some of those as well.

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