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eSports Boxing Club Dev Team Announces Extra Gameplay Features, Official License Integrations & More

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eSports Boxing Club

eSports Boxing Club Dev Team Announces Extra Gameplay Features, Official License Integrations & More

Steel City Interactive posted another eSports Boxing Club update today, providing the growing army of fans the latest details about the upcoming game.

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We’ve made a quick bullet list of some of the details discussed below, but check out the tweet for yourself and make sure you’re following.

  • Todd Grisham will host another ESBC Fighter Announcement Show on Thursday, May 6 at 5:00 PM ET
  • The studio has expanded into new offices and restarted their scanning and motion capture sessions as the lockdown as eased up a little

Extra Gameplay Features

  • Ability to ‘take a knee’ during the fight, to take an 8 count
  • Single punch stuns as well as flash knockdowns and knockouts
  • Chance of being KO’d significantly increases if caught midway through a big punch
  • An opponent can still be dangerous when they seem to be ‘out on their feet’
  • Separate to swelling and damage, visible facial and body deformation will take place real-time during the fight when taking punches

The IBO has joined the growing list of licensed belts that will be featured in Career Mode. Here’s a full list so far.

  • WBC
  • The Ring Magazine
  • WBC Silver
  • WBC International
  • IBF
  • IBO
  • Continental Championship Belts
  • National Titles (for example UK: The Lonsdale Belt)
  • WBC Amateur Title

The team still has plans to launch Early Access this summer.

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